Thursday, December 20, 2007

Uncomfortable Church

Uncomfortable Church
I am a person who believes that church shouldn’t be comfortable. If church is comfortable or too comfortable for me, then I am not thinking deeply about issues or struggling with my beliefs or who I am. I need to be able to struggle with myself, God and sometimes others to learn and grow.
Last Sunday was a day of very uncomfortable church. We had our Charge Conference and at that meeting we were supposed to have a vote (put off from June) about whether or not to become a Reconciling Congregation - becoming a church without outward and visible signs that we are welcoming to GLBT persons.
I am in total support of our church becoming a Reconciling Congregation and that is what I want and what I am working for. The vote came up (last June) rather quickly and without a lot of preparation. I have always thought that becoming a RC takes a lot of dialogue, education and time - so I was rather dismayed that it came about the way it did.
It became apparent there were some people who were upset and did not want education or a process to work toward this. We have a new chairperson for our Ad Council and she was surprised by the controversy - but supportive.
I continued to feel that any church needs lots of time to get ready for the process of becoming a Reconciling Congregation and for people to "get on board". This church is a welcoming and friendly church and many people did not see the need to become a Reconciling Congregation and didn’t understand what it means. They did not see the need to go that one step more.
At one of the Ad Council meetings several people who had concerns - on the side against becoming a RC came and spoke. It seemed that it might be too soon to take this vote - that maybe tabling the vote for a time would be the better course. It wasn’t that tabling meant this issue was going to go away, just that the process would continue and opportunities for education and dialogue would be provided.

1 comment:

feminist_mom said...

go liz.... just keep on keeping on.... and maybe a showing of THE BIBLE TELLS ME sometime, other activities, book studies, reconciling activities will strengthen and would be helpful...

sometimes i think we have to just take the vote on things as the NEGATIVE folks tend to speak loudest and sometimes they are the only ones who speak by my experience....

and then when the vote comes down at least you would know where you stand either way and the folks would finally know instead of all this speculation..

and that congregation has been through a lot of controversy, pain struggle and growing, sharing and stepping up to the plate in many ways, many times......

and many do know the right way to go and are getting discouraged i fear.. but then you have to feel the leadership is there too and it is time to go for it..

so go liz and i hope the AWE folks can become more visible all the time in the newsletter, in activities, in rainbows around and in the welcoming and affirming, the questionning and the advocacy, and role model needed in lincoln to have ONE reconciling congregation among 18 UM churches in a UNIV town...

sending love for the journey, there is a great inclusive statement this church adopted 2000as a first step too along the way!! And fear can get in the way sometimes on issues of justice.

i just hope more passionate folks do not leave who could be in leadership for this journey and dream during MLK week..... peace,maureen